Thursday, April 5, 2012

Holy Motherhood!

Wow! How did that happen? Nearly 8 months have passed since my last post. That's practically a full-term baby of no blogging. I know what happened. Motherhood. And not just any ol' motherhood, but returning-to-work-after-5-month-maternity-leave motherhood. And it sucked. Sucky, sucky big time. No blogs, no reading, no fun. But on the upside - I am now a stay-at-home mommy!! So hopefully I can get back to my blogging ways and began to document all the happy and ridiculous moments of spending every waking hour with my 13 month old.

I applaud mommies who work. It was hard and I don't mean to gloss over my brief stint as a working mommy. But it was not for our family. My hubby works long, hard hours and it just was not a good fit for us and we were fortunate enough to change our situation. I know my husband does not miss my nightly melt downs as I cleaned out my pump and screamed at him. In fact, I think he told me I could stop working just so he could stop walking on egg shells around my Mariah Carey mood swings. I certainly miss my online shopping days and pedicures, but I get to snuggle with B at 10:00 in the morning while everyone else is just sinking their teeth into their work day. Life is good!

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